Category Archives: Security

Auto Update: Friend or Foe?

By now, you may have heard of (or even experienced the consequences of) the botched [...]

Hosting Migration: Hughes Precision

Hughes Precision is a small Michigan based company specializing in custom manufactured gun parts such [...]

Do You Own Your Website?

Many small businesses and non-profits rely on the expertise of other companies such as Cardinal [...]

Google Analytics Ruled Illegal in France and Austria

With the new GDPR (“General Data Protection Regulation”) rules in effect in the EU (“European [...]

WordPress Installation Attack

I just read about a new and nefarious attack on WordPress at the Wordfence website.. Wordfence [...]

Panama Papers and WordPress

By now, most everyone has heard about the hack of Mossack Fonseca and the subsequent [...]

WordPress Login Security

In the WordFence Security Plugin for WordPress post I touched on the login security capabilities [...]

Wordfence Security Plugin for WordPress

This post is a follow-up to Securing WordPress where I presented several methods to improve WordPress security. [...]

Securing WordPress

Since this spring, websites running WordPress have been the target of a large and coordinated [...]


“Cybersquatting” is the practice of buying a domain name of a trademarked service with the [...]